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mathilde canet

"2017 U20 Vice National Champion in High Jump"

About Mathilde Canet

" I have very good Pb’s in jumps and races (1m75 in high jump, 5m90 in long jump, 25’’78 at the 200m"


Sport: Track & Field

Citizenship: France

Gender: Female

Date of birth: 06/28/1998

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123lbs


Graduation year: 2016

Placement year: Spring 2021




Current club: Clermont Athletisme Auvergne

Current coach: Aurélien Préteseille


Personal Records:

Heptathlon: 4970 points

14''91(-1.1) - 1m61 - 9m78 - 26''46(-0.7) - 5m53(-0.7) - 34m16 - 2'19''26


Pentathlon: 3809 points 

8''95 - 1m71 - 9m21 - 5m60 - 2'20''61


Individual events:

60m: 7.99 (2018)

60m hurdles (84cm): 8.86 (2019)

100m hurdles (84cm): 14.56 (2017)

200m: 25.78 (2018)

400m: 58.46 (2017)

800m: 2:18.78 (2018)

HJ: 1m75 (2017)

LJ: 5m90 (2017)

JT: 34m16 (2019)

SP (4kg): 10m03 (2019)




High School name: Lycée René Descartes



SAT: No need

GPA: According to NCAA guidelines, Mathilde's GPA would meet U.S. requirements


Current Major: Bachelor in Biochemistry

Desired program : Master in Biology / Biomedical Engineering / Biochemistry


2019 (U23)

2nd place at College Nationals - Heptathlon

Regional Champion - Heptathlon


2018 (U23)

Vice District Champion - LJ


2017 (U20)

French Team : 6th place at a European Match - Pentathlon

11th place at Elite Nationals - Pentathlon

Vice National Champion - HJ

4th place at Nationals - Heptathlon

2nd place at College Nationals - Heptathlon

Regional Champion - Heptathlon

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Why should I recruit you ?


  I am a very versatile athlete specialized in multis who loves competition. My principal strengths are my very good bounce and my velocity. Thanks to them, I have very good Pb’s in jumps and races (1m75 in high jump, 5m90 in long jump, 25’’78 at the 200m). I also have a huge mental strength : I never give up and I train hard to achieve my goals. With these qualities, I have been part of the national team for the first time in 2017. As I reached my physical maturity late, I think I have a huge margin of progress. I want to rejoin a university team to pursue my study and sport goals at the best level.


Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?


  The US university system is the best to conciliate sport and studies. Everything is put in place for the athletes to progress and for the university to shine. I like this mentality. Since high-school, the level of the competition and the US university environment attracts me. In France, this state of mind doesn’t exist, so that’s why I really want to compete at US colleges.

What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?


  I want to improve myself and break all my PB’s. But I also want to win as many competitions as possible with my college team, helping it to progress. And of course, I hope I will be able to represent my country again, during international competitions.


College and life goals?


  My studies are related to the fields of biochemistry and bioengineering. I want to achieve a master in this domain while acquiring an excellent level of English. My wish for the future being to work in research in this field. My other goal is to discover a new country with another culture and to meet new people. I am sure it will be a great experience for my future life.


Anything to add?


  I am a very sociable girl, ready to meet new people, ready for new challenges. I am supermotivated.



USA-Project permet aux athlètes ambitieux d'accéder aux meilleures universités américaines. La société a été créée par Martin Casse, ancien membre de l'équipe de France d'athlétisme et diplômé de l'université

de Texas-RGV (NCAA D1)

En 2020, USA-Project a rejoint le groupe Elite Athletes Agency.


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